Blog - Amplify Oshkosh - Page 15


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Welcoming Joe Girard to the Amplify Oshkosh Consortium

Amplify Oshkosh is ecstatic to welcome Joe Girard to the Amplify Oshkosh Consortium! We welcome our newest member, Joe, a Senior Business Developer at Wipfli. With over 25 years of experience in the manufacturing industry, Joe Girard leverages his skills and experience to lead, advise, and consult with his clients.…

Recap: September Amplify Oshkosh Coffee Clutch

From ORIGIN OF COFFEE KLATSCH 1880–85; <German Kaffeeklatsch, equivalent to Kaffeecoffee + Klatsch noise (e.g., of conversation) NOUN a social gathering for informal conversation at which coffee is served.   The first Amplify Coffee Clutch/Klatch/Klatsch held September 29, 2020 was a success!  Many Amplifiers attended and were actively engaged in a conversation facilitated by Tina Schuelke…

Amplify Oshkosh Fall Events

Amplify Oshkosh Fall Events Join us for our upcoming Amplify Oshkosh events! You don't want to miss out on these educational conversations encompassing digital technology topics. September Coffee Clutch, Tuesday, September 29, 10 am - 11 am October Ideas Amplified Event, Thursday, October 22, 10 am - 11 am November…

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