Moderator: Javad Ahmad, President and COO, Smart IS International - Amplify Oshkosh

Moderator: Javad Ahmad, President and COO, Smart IS International

Moderator: Javad Ahmad, President and COO, Smart IS International
Post by Caitlin Macwilliams |
on October 10, 2019 |
Moderator: Javad Ahmad, President and COO, Smart IS International

Javad Ahmad is the COO of Smart IS International and Chairman of the Board of Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce. Javad has been an active member of Amplify Oshkosh since its inception in 2013. He is a strong supporter of Amplify’s passion in bringing together the IT and business sector of Oshkosh to educate on and promote IT awareness. As the Chairman of the Board of Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, Javad plays an integral part in organizing and promoting events in growing the IT sector of Oshkosh and its surrounding regions. Through his vast experience and proven track record in the IT/ Business sector, he brings a unique perspective to Amplify.