Welcome from Amplify Oshkosh presented by Michael Patton, UW Oshkosh and Amplify Consortium Member
With the massive shifts in your environments in a time of massive growth in cyber-attacks, are you taking the steps needed to get back up to speed? How much weaker is your organization now than it was just a few years ago? Do you know where to look and how to get the real answers? Steady the ground underneath you by getting an accurate situational overview from the front lines of cyber warfare. Get a solid 360-degree perspective. Leap ahead in the marketplace.
Hear from a distinguished panel of CISOs and security leaders in our region involved in business, education, and government. It is their responsibility to detect, respond, and report on risks facing their organizations. Learn how these regional businesses are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, regardless of industry, how they developed their threat assessment, and what cyber defense tools and tactics they have implemented to battle cyber threats.
So maybe you are not the target, but does that mean you aren’t a good steppingstone? That is what a lot of smaller organizations believe. However, ransomware is a cyber weapon of choice. Attacks on critical infrastructure have become the new normal across sectors such as energy, healthcare, and transportation. The most important tasks based on analyzing trends is to have a mitigation strategy, be vigilant, try to fill gaps, and learn from lessons of the recent cyber-breaches. A panel of security service providers will help keep you out of the fray.