Panelist: Casey Niemuth, CEO, Co-Founder, PODO - Amplify Oshkosh

Panelist: Casey Niemuth, CEO, Co-Founder, PODO

Panelist: Casey Niemuth, CEO, Co-Founder, PODO
Post by Caitlin Macwilliams |
on October 10, 2019 |
Panelist: Casey Niemuth, CEO, Co-Founder, PODO

Casey Niemuth is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of PODO. Before PODO even existed, Casey knew he wanted to be on the bleeding edge of the technology industry. Starting PODO from the ground up with co-founder, Chris, they began a journey of finding the best people to share in their vision for the company. Casey’s role is to empower everyone to positively impact the company in their own unique way.